
Inglis Rural Property is pleased to exclusively present Wirreanda, a significant land holding in the highly regarded and reliable region of Holbrook, NSW. The property is a fully equipped and operating rural asset, boasting a balance of pristine native bush and improved grazing country featuring high utility pastures and soils ideal for livestock production.

An in-perpetuity agreement with the Biodiversity Conservation Trust of NSW delivers $40,000* plus of CPI indexed annual revenue to support farm management, underpinning cash flow into the future for the incoming purchaser.

1,318* hectares (3,256* acres)
Comprising 2,500* acres of native bushland and 756* acres of mostly cleared, high utility grazing country.

Ideally located 10* kilometres from the Hume Highway and only 35* km to Holbrook, 77* km to Wagga Wagga and 90* km from Albury. Centrally located between capital cities Melbourne (421*km) and Sydney (475*km).

The slopes and hills of Wirreanda enjoy a mixture of aspects providing seasonal variation benefitting grazing and pasture management, soils are predominantly red and brown clay loams throughout.

A versatile rural enterprise in a high rainfall region currently operating as a beef breeding platform enjoying the benefits of improved pastures and a history of soil amelioration, exhibiting increased carrying capacity.

Positioned on an elevated site enjoying commanding views to the north and west overlooking the Vokins Creek, the brick homestead features 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and an open plan kitchen with multiple living areas, surrounded by mature trees and well-maintained gardens.

Boasting multiple sources including 2 bores, 13* spring and gravity fed dams, and double frontage to the Vokins Creek. Significant investment into the water supply includes concrete troughs and 190,000* L of on farm water storage.

Improvements are centrally located and include a lockup garage/storage shed, machinery shed, hay shed, and steel cattle yards. The fencing is considered very good to excellent throughout.

Wirreanda is offered to the market 'As A Whole' inclusive of the conservation agreement income stream via Expressions of Interest.

Contact the Marketing Agents for an Information Memorandum or to arrange an inspection.



  • 1P0189
  • Expression of Interest
  • Rural
  • For Sale
  • 468 Vokins Creek Road Little Billabong NSW
  • 4
  • 2
  • 2
  • 1318 ha
  • 2